Health Action Conference 2018
Families USA held its 23rd annual Health Action conference in Washington, D.C. It was truly one of our best conferences yet. Check out the highlights and presentations:
- Watch videos from our popular plenaries about racial discrimination and health equity, effective messaging, our advocate of the year awards, and more
- Go to our Facebook page to view photos from Health Action 2018.
- To get a sense of all the great discussions that took place, check our Twitter feed using the hashtag #HA2018.
- Watch our livestream of some of the conference plenaries on the Families USA Facebook page, including presentations by ADAPT, the Little Lobbyists, Gaby Pacheco, Indivisible, and a panel about Puerto Rico’s humanitarian crisis.
- View Senator Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) speech and read the text.
- Watch Senator Cory Booker’s (D-NJ) speech.
Check out the agenda-at-glance below for links to presentations from the conference.
Write-Ups Health Action 2018
- My Experience with the Families USA Conference, by ACA sign ups (Charles Gaba)
- Recharging for the Next Health Care Fight, by Universal Health Care Foundation of CT
- Democrats And Activists Prepare Health Care Offensive, by Crooked Media (written by Andrew Sprung, xpostfactoid)
More about Families USA’s Health Action Conferences
It has never been more critical for consumers and leaders in the health care community to come together than in 2018. The Health Action conference brings together state and national experts and leaders to bring into sharp focus the range of choices and their impact on the nation’s health care system.
Health Action is a celebration of the incredible work that is being done across the nation to protect the advances made under the Affordable Care Act, as well as an opportunity to create models for health system improvements and transformations for the years ahead.

Agenda at a Glance
Click on speaker’s name to download their presentations.
Thursday, January 25, 2018 | |
9:00am to 9:15am | Welcome — Frederick Isasi, Families USA |
9:15am to 9:50am |
Morning Plenary: Faces of the Movement Even as social justice movements have grappled with major political setbacks over the last couple of years, there has been a powerful resurgence of activism on a broad array of critical issues. We’ll honor and hear from powerful leaders from different strands of the social justice movement writ large and explore how they connect. Speakers:
Moderator: Patrick Willard, Families USA |
9:50am to 10:30am |
Protect Our Care Panel The leaders of the Protect Our Care Coalition will discuss the future of protecting the gains of, and building upon, the Affordable Care Act. Speakers:
Moderator: Frederick Isasi, Families USA |
10:30am to 11:00am |
Keynote: No Liberty without Affordable Healthcare Speaker: Senator Corey Booker (D-NJ) |
11:00am to 12:00pm |
Workshops / Session 1
12:15pm to 12:45pm |
Keynote Speaker Introduction of Keynote Speaker: Keynote Speaker: |
1:45pm to 3:00pm |
Workshops / Session 2
3:15pm to 4:45pm |
Afternoon Plenary: Racial Discrimination and Health Care: What’s the Path Forward? The health justice movement has failed to break the grip of racial and ethnic health and health care disparities in our country. Experts will explain how structural and institutional racism and experiencing interpersonal racial discrimination shape health and health care, including new data from NPR’s “Discrimination in America” survey. We’ll then discuss how advocates can work to remedy this injustice. Speakers:
Reaction Panel:
Closing Remarks:
5:00pm to 7:00pm | Networking Reception: We Are Family: Community Catalyst and Families USA Reception |
Friday, January 26, 2018 | |
9:00am to 10:15am |
Morning Plenary: The Political Brain: How People Hear What We Say About Health The author of The Political Brain explains the way messaging works in the current political environment. Speaker: Drew Westen, Westen Strategies, LLC Moderator: Lisa Shapiro, Families USA |
10:15am to 10:45am |
Families USA Update A chance to hear from some of Families USA leaders about priorities for 2018. Speaker: Frederick Isasi, Executive Director |
11:00am to 12:15pm |
Workshops / Session 3
12:15pm to 1:45pm |
Consumer Health Advocate of the Year Awards Luncheon 2018 Award Recipients presented by: Philippe Villers, Families USA
2:00pm to 3:15pm |
Workshops / Session 4
3:30pm to 4:45pm |
Afternoon Plenary: Tale of a Medicaid Block Grant: Notes from the Puerto Rico Health Crisis The current Administration and Congress continue to push the idea of ending the federal commitment to pay a guaranteed percentage of medical costs for low-income people by capping Medicaid. Few people know that Puerto Rico and the other US territories have struggled with inadequate Medicaid block grants for decades—and then the hurricanes hit and exposed the devastating consequences. Speakers:
Moderator: Sinsi Hernández-Cancio, Families USA |
Saturday, January 27, 2018 | |
8:00am to 9:30am |
Breakfast Caucuses Join an informal roundtable discussion on health care issues and strategies for 2018. |
9:30am to 10:45am |
The Political Health Landscape in 2018 An overview of what a pair of the nation’s leading health experts expect to see in the coming year. Speaker:
Moderator: Frederick Isasi, Families USA |
10:45am to 11:00am |
Closing remarks — Frederick Isasi, Families USA |