press Archive - Families Usa Thu, 11 Jul 2024 19:21:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 press Archive - Families Usa 32 32 Families USA Applauds Passage of the Affordable Prescriptions for Patients Act that will Help Lower Drug Prices and Rein in Anti-Competitive Behavior Thu, 11 Jul 2024 19:21:17 +0000 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yael Lehmann, interim executive director of Families USA, issued the following statement in response to the today’s Senate passage of portions of the Affordable Prescriptions for Patients Act, which will help lower drug prices by reining in anti-competitive use of patents to block generic and biosimilar competition from coming to market.  “For far […]

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yael Lehmann, interim executive director of Families USA, issued the following statement in response to the today’s Senate passage of portions of the Affordable Prescriptions for Patients Act, which will help lower drug prices by reining in anti-competitive use of patents to block generic and biosimilar competition from coming to market. 

“For far too long, big drug companies have made it nearly impossible for families to afford the medications they need to get and stay healthy. Today’s vote builds off the momentum of the Inflation Reduction Act and shows that this Senate is committed to tackling some of the root causes of the crisis of high prescription drug costs.  

“The passed reforms would specifically target ‘patent thicketing’ which drug companies use to extend their market exclusivity and block generic competition, a key factor in driving up drug prices.  

“The Senate’s unanimous vote underscores the bipartisan recognition of the urgent need to reform America’s prescription drug market. We must continue to build on this progress by passing additional bipartisan reforms that address patent abuses such as pay-for-delay and product hopping. These reforms along with additional bipartisan efforts to improve price transparency and end corporate abuses in health care are essential to ensure that all families have access to affordable, life-saving care.” 


Families USA, a leading national voice for health care consumers, is dedicated to the achievement of high quality, affordable health care and improved health for all. 


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Senate Hearing Signals Urgent Need to Improve Health Care Transparency and Competition Thu, 11 Jul 2024 13:28:01 +0000 Patients, families and employer groups call for bipartisan solutions from the Senate following today’s hearing WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sophia Tripoli, Families USA’s Senior Director of Health Policy is testifying today before the Senate Committee on Aging about the need for immediate Congressional action to lower the high and rising cost of health care for America’s […]

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Patients, families and employer groups call for bipartisan solutions from the Senate following today’s hearing

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sophia Tripoli, Families USA’s Senior Director of Health Policy is testifying today before the Senate Committee on Aging about the need for immediate Congressional action to lower the high and rising cost of health care for America’s patients and families. The hearing occurs as millions of families are struggling with medical debt or are delaying or avoiding necessary medical care due to the high cost.

“No one in America should have to choose between going to see their doctor and buying groceries to feed their family, yet almost half of all Americans don’t get needed medical care because of the cost, and 48 million older Americans fear they won’t be able to afford lifesaving care,” said Tripoli in her testimony.

“Every American knows that we pay too much for the health care we get. But many Americans don’t know why. Because health care industry consolidation, particularly among hospitals, has eliminated competition and allowed monopolistic pricing to push our nation’s families to the brink of financial ruin.”

Tripoli continued, “Congress has used its power to rein in the corporate abuses of big oil, big tobacco, big banks and big tech. Last year, the Senate examined how to protect people from the price gouging for concert tickets. It is past time to scrutinize big health care corporations and protect families in America from the greed of medical monopolies.”

In addition, the Consumers for Fair Hospital Pricing coalition and the Consumers First alliance – organizations representing families, workers, employers, and health care consumers across the United States – called on the Senate Committee on Aging to advance bipartisan policies this year. Those organizations specifically asked for action on reforms that will:

  • Achieve meaningful price transparency in health care.
  • Establish site neutral pricing to prevent people from paying more for the same care just because it was performed in a hospital setting rather than a doctor’s office.
  • Prohibit anti-competitive practices that keep health care prices unfairly high for patients and families.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Lower Costs, More Transparency Act in December, which included several bipartisan provisions that will improve health care price transparency and address pricing abuses that lead to unaffordable care. The Senate has yet to take action on that legislation or its provisions.

Tripoli’s written testimony is available for download here.

The coalition letter to the committee is available here.


Families USA, a leading national voice for health care consumers, is dedicated to the achievement of high quality, affordable health care and improved health for all.

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Families USA’s Statement on Supreme Court’s Punt, Failure to Protect Health and Lives of Millions of Pregnant People Nationwide Thu, 27 Jun 2024 14:49:31 +0000 WASHINGTON, DC –Yael Lehmann, Interim Executive Director of Families USA, issued the following statement today on the Supreme Court ruling on the consolidated cases Idaho v. United States and Moyle v. United States on whether a state abortion ban conflicts with the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA). This nearly 40-year-old federal law requires hospitals to […]

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WASHINGTON, DC –Yael Lehmann, Interim Executive Director of Families USA, issued the following statement today on the Supreme Court ruling on the consolidated cases Idaho v. United States and Moyle v. United States on whether a state abortion ban conflicts with the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA). This nearly 40-year-old federal law requires hospitals to provide treatment for emergency medical conditions, including pregnancy complications.

“The Supreme Court’s decision today means continued uncertainty for millions of pregnant people and families in America. While pregnant Idahoans can breathe a temporary sigh of relief, there are millions of people across nearly two dozen states who continue to experience the consequences of statewide abortion restrictions and bans, and who are left in limbo by this decision.

“It was just two years ago that this court overturned Roe v. Wade, putting politics between families and their doctors, despite the objections of an overwhelming majority of Americans. Today, this same court had an opportunity to emphatically say that politics and politicians have no place in our nation’s emergency rooms, and that doctors, not judges or anti-abortion extremists, know what’s best for their patients. This court could have emphatically said that everyone in America should have access to emergency medical care when needed. Instead, they punted.

“The movement for better health and health care in this country does not end here, and Families USA remains committed to fighting back against any and all attacks on our health and reproductive freedoms.”


Families USA, a leading national voice for health care consumers, is dedicated to the achievement of high quality, affordable health care and improved health for all. 

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Braidwood Decision Preserves Access to Free Preventive Services for Millions of Americans, But Future Threats Loom Fri, 21 Jun 2024 21:25:03 +0000 WASHINGTON, DC – Yael Lehmann, Families USA Interim Executive Director, issued the following statement on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals’ ruling on the Braidwood v. Becerra case regarding whether health insurance plans would be required to provide cost-fee coverage of preventive services recommended by the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) after March 2010.  […]

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WASHINGTON, DC – Yael Lehmann, Families USA Interim Executive Director, issued the following statement on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals’ ruling on the Braidwood v. Becerra case regarding whether health insurance plans would be required to provide cost-fee coverage of preventive services recommended by the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) after March 2010. 

“Thankfully for now, today’s ruling preserved access to life-saving preventive health care services for over 151 million Americans enrolled in health insurance plans that currently cover preventive services free of cost. Unfortunately, the ruling does specifically allow Braidwood Management et al to stop covering preventive services they object to including screenings for HIV, and paves the way for future lawsuits that jeopardize access to lifesaving preventive services. To prevent this from happening, policymakers must take immediate action to preserve the USPSTF’s ability to continue its important work helping millions of Americans get and stay healthy.  

“Families with private insurance plans have benefitted from zero-cost preventive services provided through the ACA for the last 14 years – things like screenings for cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, HIV, depression, intimate partner violence, and substance use disorder. Poll after poll shows that these no-cost services have been some of the most popular provisions of the ACA.  

“We know that without a guarantee of coverage for these services, our nation’s families are more likely to risk their lives and skip critical preventive care due to cost. Everyone’s life hangs in the balance – from children to pregnant people to seniors.” 


Families USA, a leading national voice for health care consumers, is dedicated to the achievement of high quality, affordable health care and improved health for all. 

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Consumers for Fair Hospital Pricing Draws a Line in the Sand: Congress Must Put the Financial Security of Patients and Families First Tue, 18 Jun 2024 12:37:34 +0000 The Families USA-led Consumers for Fair Hospital Pricing (CFFHP) coalition is calling on Congress to pass pro-consumer policies that make hospital care more affordable, higher quality, more transparent, and more consumer-friendly for our nation’s families.   After launching last fall as a united consumer movement determined to take on the abusive prices of big hospital corporations […]

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The Families USA-led Consumers for Fair Hospital Pricing (CFFHP) coalition is calling on Congress to pass pro-consumer policies that make hospital care more affordable, higher quality, more transparent, and more consumer-friendly for our nation’s families.  

After launching last fall as a united consumer movement determined to take on the abusive prices of big hospital corporations – a major driver of our nation’s health care affordability crisis — CFFHP’s member organizations* representing families, individuals, and health care consumers have developed a key set of legislative priorities that are critical to ensuring that everyone can get the high-quality care they deserve at a price they can afford.   

Building off the coalition’s three overarching policy goals to end hospital price-gouging, fix health care market failures, and increase transparency, these legislative priorities include critical reforms such as codifying and strengthening the Hospital Price Transparency rule, enacting comprehensive site neutral payments and honest billing reforms, and ending anti-competitive contracting practices 

CFFHP is releasing its legislative priorities just as millions of voters – many of whom are struggling with medical debt or high and rising health care costs – will head to the polls this November. The coalition joins a growing chorus of organizations calling on Congress to take decisive action right now to lower health care costs and put the needs of patients and families before the greed of big health care corporations. Earlier this month, nearly 50 organizations representing consumers, workers, employers, and providers called on the Senate Finance Committee to hold a hearing on key health care affordability solutions before the August Congressional recess. Now is the time for policymakers to advance changes that rein in the harmful business practices of hospitals and large hospital systems and bring down the skyrocketing prices of hospital care. 

“Our nation is in the midst of a health care affordability crisis driven by big hospital corporations that are jacking up the price of care, and leaving patients, families, small businesses and taxpayers with the bill,” said Yael Lehmann, interim executive director at Families USA. “It is unacceptable for Congress to stand by and do nothing while millions of families are struggling with medical debt or are foregoing medical care because they can’t afford it. Now is the time to take action against the big hospitals that have become big business, and instead stand up for better quality and more affordable health care for patients and families across this country.” 

“The charge for a hospital stay is typically the biggest bill anybody will ever get, and are deserving of greater public transparency and oversight. Hospital prices aren’t just high—they are inflated and irrational. We need to fix the market failures in hospital and health prices, so patients can get the care they need, and we don’t have families in financial ruin, and we don’t cause cuts in other community needs. We are proud that California has taken some steps to stop some price-gouging practices, but more is needed, with a national agenda,” said Anthony Wright, Executive Director, Health Access California. 

“Too many hospital systems are putting profits over people, including so-called nonprofit hospitals,” said the Hon. Donna Christensen, M.D., the first female physician elected to Congress and Consumers for Quality Care Board Member. “As a result, Americans avoid getting the treatments and care they need out of fear of incurring serious medical debts they can’t afford to pay. We are proud to unite to advance common sense initiatives that would improve transparency in hospital practices and pricing.” 

“Health care prices don’t have to be — and shouldn’t be — so high. That’s why we’re pressing for a sustainable health care payment system that values high quality and better outcomes,” said PIRG President Faye Park. “Our coalition is committed to building consensus around achievable changes in how hospitals charge for care, so patients aren’t so adversely affected by anti-competitive practices and the increased consolidation in health care markets.”

“Hospital prices and inflated bills are an existential threat to Americans’ financial security and health, as big hospitals pad their bottom line off the backs of consumers,” said Mannat Singh, executive director of the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative. “Americans need policy change that will address consolidation, anti-competitive practices, and price gouging by hospitals that are driving up costs. Congress must act to protect the American people from the increasing harm of excessive hospital charges and practices.”

“As an organization that serves tens of thousands of Pennsylvanians each year, we hear from people every day who delay or forgo health care because of the cost or who are in debt simply because they received necessary medical care. Hospitals, especially large hospital systems, are a major reason for the excessive increase in healthcare costs, and it’s time that we put a stop to their unfair billing and pricing practices.” said Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Health Access Network Antoinette Kraus. “We’re proud to join this coalition and work toward making sure that all patients have access to high-quality care at fair prices.”

*Consumers for Fair Hospital Pricing (CFFHP) is a coalition of leading organizations representing families, individuals and health care consumers, that have come together to take on the harmful pricing practices and anti-competitive behavior of hospitals and large hospital systems. CFFHP’s mission is to ensure that every person has access to high-quality hospital care that helps to keep them and their families healthy at a price they can afford. The founding state and national organizations include Colorado Consumer Health Initiative, Consumers for Quality Care, Families USA, Health Access California, Pennsylvania Health Access Network, Public Citizen, and U.S. PIRG. 


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SCOTUS decision on mifepristone upholds Americans’ rights to health, democracy, and reproductive freedom Thu, 13 Jun 2024 15:47:35 +0000 Yael Lehmann, Interim Executive Director of Families USA, issued the following statement on the Supreme Court ruling on the FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine case, which challenged the wide availability of mifepristone. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) first approved mifepristone more than 20 years ago. It remains a safe and effective drug for […]

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Yael Lehmann, Interim Executive Director of Families USA, issued the following statement on the Supreme Court ruling on the FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine case, which challenged the wide availability of mifepristone. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) first approved mifepristone more than 20 years ago. It remains a safe and effective drug for use in medication abortion, utilized in almost two-thirds of all abortion procedures nationwide.

“Today, the Supreme Court was unanimous in making the right decision. The court has rejected the challenge targeting the wide availability of mifepristone and stated that the lawsuit lacks legal standing. This means that the changes previously made by the FDA to make mifepristone more accessible will remain in effect, including allowing prescriptions through telemedicine, expanding the types of health care providers who can prescribe the drug, and increasing the timeframe for use.”

“This is the first major abortion ruling since the Dobbs decision, and it is a win for all Americans. Decisions around birth control and abortion belong in the doctor’s office, not on the desks of lawmakers and judges. We are thrilled with this outcome, but the fight doesn’t end here. There are nearly two dozen states that have banned or limited access to abortion, and this has an outsized impact on Black women who face more barriers accessing health care and contraception.”

“We will continue standing up for the health and reproductive freedoms of every American, including the 64.5 million women of reproductive age in the U.S., who deserve the right to make decisions about if and when they are ready to start a family.”

“No matter who you are or where you live, you should have access to essential health care, including abortion and contraception, without politically motivated and medically unnecessary hurdles.”

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Breaking up health care monopolies will help repair America’s fractured health care system Thu, 23 May 2024 13:32:00 +0000 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yael Lehmann, Families USA Interim Executive Director, issued the following statement on today’s House Budget Committee hearing, “Breaking Up Health Care Monopolies: Examining the Budgetary Effects of Health Care Consolidation.” Sophia Tripoli, Families USA’s Senior Director of Health Policy, is testifying before the committee as part of today’s proceedings and will be available for comment. “High […]

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yael Lehmann, Families USA Interim Executive Director, issued the following statement on today’s House Budget Committee hearing, “Breaking Up Health Care Monopolies: Examining the Budgetary Effects of Health Care Consolidation.” Sophia Tripoli, Families USA’s Senior Director of Health Policy, is testifying before the committee as part of today’s proceedings and will be available for comment.

“High and rising health care costs are crushing our nation’s families, forcing them to choose between lifesaving health care and basic needs like housing, food, and transportation. An overwhelming 93% of Americans agree that our country is paying far too much for health care that delivers far too little quality. And it’s only getting worse as big health care corporations buy up community hospitals and local doctors’ offices to eliminate competition and maximize profits at the expense of the communities they purport to serve. As a result, millions of families are left defenseless against hidden fees, price gouging, and exorbitant costs utterly unrelated to the quality of their care.

“Today’s hearing is another crucial step in a growing bipartisan effort to shed light on these abusive pricing practices and the myriad ways unchecked medical monopolies drive unaffordable, low-value care. The growing wave of health care consolidation and the increasing role of private equity investors in health care are setting us on a dangerous path. Only by ending the twisted financial incentives that fuel this consolidation can we truly reorient our health care system to center the needs of individuals and families nationwide.

“There are a variety of bipartisan, well-vetted solutions that Congress can put into place right now to increase price transparency, end abusive billing practices, and promote healthy competition in our health care system, including by enacting the Lower Costs, More Transparency Act that the House of Representatives passed by a wide margin last year. We are grateful that the House Budget Committee is holding this hearing to emphasize the critical importance of addressing these issues and urge all Members of Congress to seize this bipartisan momentum and finally bring millions of Americans much-needed relief from high and rising health care costs.”


Families USA, a leading national voice for health care consumers, is dedicated to the achievement of high quality, affordable health care and improved health for all.

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Champions of health equity sought for Families USA’s Fellowship Fri, 10 May 2024 14:36:12 +0000 The sixth cohort will focus on uplifting patients from marginalized communities Washington, D.C. – Applications are now open for the sixth cohort of Families USA’s Health Equity Academy in System Transformation Fellowship, a program dedicated to training and connecting powerful health equity advocates across the United States. This cohort aims to advance equitable health policy […]

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The sixth cohort will focus on uplifting patients from marginalized communities

Washington, D.C. – Applications are now open for the sixth cohort of Families USA’s Health Equity Academy in System Transformation Fellowship, a program dedicated to training and connecting powerful health equity advocates across the United States. This cohort aims to advance equitable health policy by working with health care providers to uplift historically marginalized communities’ health care experiences. Health care providers and students who have completed at least one year of schooling or training and are championing health equity in their communities are encouraged to apply

“This fellowship offers individuals who are committed to fostering an anti-racism climate in health care an opportunity to gain the skills, knowledge, and network needed to become powerful advocates for under-resourced patients and advance health equity policy in their states and communities,” said Staci Lofton, Senior Director of Health Equity. “We’re dedicated to building and training committed health equity advocates and helping them develop a deeper understanding of how health care intersects with social drivers such as race, socioeconomic status, and access to resources to develop a more holistic understanding of health beyond the clinic.”

During the 10-month fellowship, accepted health care practitioners, as well as students who have completed at least one year of schooling/training will receive skill, advocacy agenda development, and patient voice amplification training; networking opportunities; and technical assistance. The opportunity is available to a wide diversity of health care providers, including community health workers, doulas, midwives, physicians, physician assistants, social workers, and dentists, among others. Fellows will receive funding to attend Families USA’s 2025 Health Action Conference January 21-24, 2025 in Washington DC.

Families USA launched the Health Equity Academy in 2019 to ensure communities’ needs and priorities are included in policymaking efforts. To date, four cohorts have graduated from the fellowship. The 2023 cohort graduates on May 16. Former fellows, such as Angelina Spicer, Kennedy Center Social Practice Resident and maternal health advocate, and Hunter Nelson, Colorado Director for Small Business Majority and equity-centered policy advocate, have gone on to make significant contributions in their respective fields.

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Maternal Health cohort graduates from Families USA’s Health Equity Academy Thu, 16 May 2024 13:58:22 +0000 Nineteen individuals are graduating today from Families USA’s 2023 Health Equity Academy in System Transformation maternal health fellowship cohort. They are: AJ Bostic Ranya Alboslani Andrea Krotzer Robin Marty Averjill Rookwood Sara Barber Ben Barber Scott Stewart Brianna Hanson Stephanie Aristide Deanna Williams T.J. Clarke Holly Hsu Taylor Givens-Dunn Hunter Nelson Tee Joseph Lisa Brown […]

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Nineteen individuals are graduating today from Families USA’s 2023 Health Equity Academy in System Transformation maternal health fellowship cohort. They are:

AJ Bostic Ranya Alboslani
Andrea Krotzer Robin Marty
Averjill Rookwood Sara Barber
Ben Barber Scott Stewart
Brianna Hanson Stephanie Aristide
Deanna Williams T.J. Clarke
Holly Hsu Taylor Givens-Dunn
Hunter Nelson Tee Joseph
Lisa Brown Vanessa Zapata
Mahak Kalra


Over the last 10 months, the fifth cohort of fellows engaged in extensive networking and knowledge exchange activities with subject matters experts, keynote speakers and each other. This comprehensive preparation has equipped them become stronger advocates for infusing equity into maternal health as the nation faces a maternal mortality and morbidity crisis.

“Just days after Mother’s Day, we honor our Health Equity Academy graduates who are consummate health justice warriors with the dedication and commitment it takes to be at the forefront of equitable maternal health,” said Yael Lehmann, Families USA’s Interim Executive Director. “Their unwavering commitment to empowering under-resourced and marginalized pregnant and birthing individuals – especially those of color – will help their communities and the nation transform health and health care so it better serves our moms and babies.”

As a leading consumer health advocacy organization dedicated to building and training committed health equity advocates, Families USA launched the Health Equity Academy in 2019 to ensure the needs and priorities of communities are included in policymaking efforts. Applications are now open for the sixth fellowship cohort, which will focus on helping health care providers advance health equity policy in their states and communities. The application deadline is June 10.

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New rules help enhance care, quality, and equity for Medicaid managed care program enrollees Wed, 24 Apr 2024 22:15:21 +0000 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yael Lehmann, Interim Executive Director of Families USA, issued the following statement on final rules released this week, Ensuring Access to Medicaid Services and Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program Managed Care Access, Finance, and Quality. Together, these rules will help improve health care access, quality, and equity for Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program […]

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yael Lehmann, Interim Executive Director of Families USA, issued the following statement on final rules released this week, Ensuring Access to Medicaid Services and Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program Managed Care Access, Finance, and Quality. Together, these rules will help improve health care access, quality, and equity for Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) beneficiaries enrolled in traditional Medicaid and Medicaid managed care programs.

“Just weeks after the Biden-Harris Administration released a final rule streamlining Medicaid and CHIP enrollment, they’ve continued their commitment to strengthening the care provided to the millions of families and children who rely on these programs for their health care.

“Several changes in these rules will help increase oversight, access, and transparency, and improve health outcomes for people who rely on Medicaid for their health care. . Specifically, Families USA applauds establishing maximum appointment wait time standards, incorporating more meaningful data, requiring full transparency around state directed payments to hospitals,, and requiring that 80% of Medicaid payments to home and community-based services companies are spent on compensation for direct care versus administrative overhead or profit. 

“We commend the Biden-Harris administration’s implementation of these significant improvements to ensure eligible children and families who rely on Medicaid and CHIP for their health care have the peace of mind that access to health coverage provides. 

“But much more can and should be done. Moving forward, we’ll continue pushing for policies that build on these positive developments by advocating for the inclusion of appointment wait time standards for time-sensitive reproductive health services, including abortion; increasing transparency around Medicaid reimbursement rates; and requiring states with a fee-for-service Medicaid system to demonstrate that they adhere to the same timeliness standards as required of states with Medicaid managed care organizations.”


 Families USA, a leading national voice for health care consumers, is dedicated to the achievement of high quality, affordable health care and improved health for all.

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